We’ve designed a set of Website Instruments in your Site Control Panel to enable you to efficiently advertise your websites online. Our sitemap generator will enable you to get a complete sitemap of your website. Furthermore, you’re able to upload that sitemap to the major search engines to crawl your website. The RSS News syndication tool will help you to create new content on your home page so you could get far better possibilities to move high in search engine rankings. In addition, we’ve built–in a GeoIP re–direction tool that will let you target your customers far more accurately in accordance with their physical area.

A Sitemap Generator

Get a sitemap with all of your pages a click of the mouse

The simplest way to get your newly introduced site indexed by the search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap lists all of the webpages on your website and by posting it to a search engine, you tell it you’d like to have those pages to get listed as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are generally developed by third–party applications. Nonetheless, with S Web Host, it’s not necessary to navigate away from your Site Control Panel. S Web Host’s inhouse developed Sitemap Generator is integrated within the Advanced Resources area and will complete a sitemap for you with a mouse click.

All that you should do is opt for the top quantity of webpages you prefer to be indexed, the range of the listed links as well as the extension of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Geographic location–based redirections with just a click of the mouse

S Web Host offers you an easy way to re–route your users on the basis of their whereabouts. From the GeoIP redirection instrument, you’re able to reroute all the visitors who come from a certain region to a native language version of your website. For example, if you have an Italian version of your site, you can easily send all the site visitors coming from Italy to that webpage in contrast to asking them to move to Italian once they load the English variation. This enables you to present your clients with a user–friendly onsite stay from the very beginning.

There is no need for any special skills or tech experience to employ the GeoIP re–direction application. It’s done with only a click of the mouse.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most recent publications within your site

In the S Web Host Site Control Panel, we’ve incorporated a tool, which enables you to add information from the most well–known information sites worldwide within your web sites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News application functions on auto–pilot and will not need any additional setup work on your part,

The RSS News Publication module is easy to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You are able to modify the number of news pieces that are going to be presented, the way they will look like, precisely how they will be ordered, etc.

RSS News